The Library provides access to thousands of academic journals, newspapers, and magazines, too many to contain to a simple list. You can access most of these online through our various databases, although we keep a selection of current print issues on the first floor and back issues on the third floor in bound volumes.
The Library provides full online site access to the following newspapers:
For specific instructions on how to activate your personal account for any of the above titles through the Library’s subscription, use our all-in-one digital subscriptions page.
If you need to find out if the Library offers access to a specific journal, select Journal Finder in Library Search and enter the title in the search box. Click on any result to discover which databases offer access to the journal, or where it is available in print in the library. When selecting a database, be sure to note the date ranges provided next to each database, as not all provide access to the entire history of the journal. If you want to see what journals are available from the Library for a particular subject area, use the menu on the left side.
You can also use BrowZine to discover journals published in various subject areas and browse through their articles.
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2023 Views: 154