What is LibKey Nomad and how do I use it?Answered By: Ayanna Boben
What is LibKey Nomad?
LibKey Nomad* is a browser extension that connects users to SMC Library's electronic resources from Google, PubMed, Wikipedia, publisher websites, and more. Nomad scans a title's DOI to SMC Library's subscription content to retrieve full-text resources**. Additionally, Nomad utilizes Unpaywall to present users with open-access content.
Nomad is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi. With Nomad installed in your browser, a "Download PDF" button will appear at the bottom left corner of the page. If you are already signed in, clicking this button will take you directly to the article PDF. LibKey Nomad does not require you to create an account, and does not store your SMC credentials. Other button labels users may see include:
Article Link - The same as the above with the exception that the user will NOT see a PDF, they will see a web page which either has the full text in HTML or also has the PDF, but one more link is required to access it.
Manuscript PDF - The article has been found in the form of an Accepted Manuscript in a repository. While the content has been peer-reviewed, it is unlikely to be formatted for publishing. It may appear as an unformatted Word Document, etc. These documents never require authentication.
Manuscript Link - Same as the above, except one more click is required to get to the PDF, if the PDF is even available. No authentication is required.
Access Options - This label will direct users to the SMC Library page that hosts alternate formats for the selected content. If no alternate formats are available on this catalog page, users can sign in to request the item via ILL.
Provided By - This will appear as a non-clickable button on sites where Nomad is providing an Enhanced In-Line Integration. The download actions will appear within the context of the host service itself.
How do I use Nomad?
To download Nomad, visit libkeynomad.com and click your browser icon. Your browser will ask for confirmation to add the extension. Next, select Saint Mary's College of California at the LibKey Nomad interface. Your nomad extension is then ready to go!
To use Nomad, simply look for the Nomad button on scholarly websites. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the library for help.
More information on Nomad
LibKey Nomad works with RetractionWatch.com to identify scholarly article retractions as you search and click on articles. To learn more, read Third Iron's "About Article Retractions" page.
*Please note that LibKey Nomad is not compatible with mobile- or tablet-based browsers.
**Nomad cannot retrieve resources that do not have a DOI.