Which resources require OpenAthens links for off-campus access?
Answered By: Ayanna Boben

SMC Library uses an authentication system called OpenAthens to validate user access to our subscribed electronic resources. There are various e-resources that require the OpenAthens URL leader (https://go.openathens.net/redirector/stmarys-ca.edu?url=) or the OpenAthens Link Generator to prompt user authentication from off campus. For more information on off-campus access, please read this FAQ

Some of our e-resources are federated with OpenAthens. This means that users can select Saint Mary's College of CA from the institutional login menu to gain off-campus access. 

There are also e-resources that are not federated. A safe way to gain off-campus access to these resources is to use their links from the A-Z Databases list. If the resource is not on the A-Z, please use this FAQ to create an off-campus link. Here is a list of proxy resources that require OpenAthens linking for off-campus access: 


Academy of Management 

Allen Press Journals 

The American Journal of Pathology 

American Mathematical Society (AMS) 

American Scientist 

A-R Music Anthology 


Brill Online 

Chicago Manual of Style Online 

Choice Reviews 

The Chronicle of Higher Education 

Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) 

The Company of Biologists 

Computing Reviews 

Congressional Digest 

Dun and Bradstreet 

Fibonacci Association 

Francais dans le Monde - Fiches Pedagogiques 

Grey House Publishing 

Guilford Periodicals Online

Infobase Publishing / Criterion Pictures 

Journal of College Science Teaching 

Mintel Global Markets Navigator 

MIT Press 


National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Naxos Music and Video Library 

New Play Exchange 

NRC Research Press Journals 

The New York Times 

OECD iLibrary 

Old City Publishing Inc. 

Opinion Archives 


Philosophy Documentation Center 

Plunkett Research Online 

Project MUSE 

Rethinking Schools 

Sagamore Journals 

Salem Press

SIAM Journals Online 


Thieme eBooks and Journals 

Topology Proceedings 

Value Line 

Wharton Research Data Services 

World Trade Press 

Last Updated: Nov 07, 2024     Views: 23

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