How do I request films on Swank?
Answered By: Ayanna Boben

Faculty can request films on Swank for their classes*. To request a film: 

1. Visit the Swank SMC website

2. Login with your SMC email and password.


2a. If you have already logged into your SMC account for the day, click the "Login" button at the top right corner of Swank's home page. When the "Sign In With" box pops up, click the small link "Sign in another way". If you need to create an account, proceed to step 5. If you have already created an account, continue to sign in and proceed to step 6.

3. Select the role "Instructor" from the "Welcome to Swank Digital Campus" box. 

4. Click "Create an Account or Log In" at the top left corner of the page. 

5. Create a username and password, then click "Create Instructor Account". 

6. Once signed in, search for your desired film title.

7. Select your desired film title link from the search list.

8. Click "Request" next to the film title and trailer link. 

9. A confirmation email will be sent to your account's associated email. 


SMC Swank admins must approve the film request. Once approved, it may take about 24 hours for the film to show up Swank. 

*Please note that SMC's current Swank license has limits on the number of films we can approve. 

Also, please note that these educational streaming licenses do NOT include public performance licensing. Organizers of film events (outside of classroom showings) being hosted by a club or student activities must secure a separate public performance license.

Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024     Views: 59

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