What if the library does not have my textbook?
Answered By: Daisy Goiburn

Follow our instructions to first confirm that the Library does not have the textbook you are looking for.

If we do not have your textbook in our collection, you can go to your professor to ask them to place a copy of the textbook on course reserve for you and other students to borrow at the Library Service Desk. This will be a short-term loan.

In the case that your professor does not have an extra copy of a textbook to place on course reserve:

  • You can request the needed textbook from another library using our Interlibrary Loan Request form. If there is a lending library willing to loan you the book, the book will have a longer due date of 1-3 months. This is a great option if you'd like a textbook for the majority of a semester.

If you have any questions, please contact the Library.

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024     Views: 33

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