What is OpenAthens?
Answered By: Ayanna Boben

SMC Library implemented a new authentication system called OpenAthens in July 2024. 

OpenAthens is a SSO (Single Sign-On) solution that specializes in federated and proxy-based access to electronic resources.

OpenAthens allows library users to access electronic resources from any location, whether on campus or off. Library users simply need their SMC login credentials to access e-resources. After signing in, OpenAthens generates a SSO session that extends across multiple resource platforms. Once authenticated, library users can access e-resources directly from the library website and publisher websites. This reduces the frequency of login sessions when selecting content from various publisher platforms and databases. 

If you are experiencing any interruptions in your access to e-resources, please report it to the Library Ask Us page and send an e-mail to Ayanna Boben (asb20@stmary-ca.edu). Screenshots are helpful!


Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024     Views: 32

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