Upload full-text scholarly work and manuscript to Digital Commons
Answered By: Elise Wong

Saint Mary's Digital Commons is an Institutional Repository that hosts content produced by and for the SMC community. Learn more about Digital Commons.

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Q: Doesn't the journal publisher prevent me from putting an article they published on our website?   

A: For most journal publishers, you are allowed to post your Author Manuscript to an institutional repository. The Library will ensure that the manuscript is copyright-compliant by checking the publisher open access policies.


Q: What version of my publication can I upload?

A: Digital Commons prefers to archive Author Accepted Manuscripts (aka post-prints), but Author Original Manuscripts (aka pre-prints) and other forms of scholarship are also acceptable. 


Q: If I don't have my manuscript, can I upload the publisher version of my article?

A: Yes you can. The Library will convert the publisher version (also known as Version of Record) into a document that doesn't contain publisher formatting.


Please contact digitalcommons@stmarys-ca.edu or askalib@stmarys-ca.edu if you have other questions.

Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023     Views: 125

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