What music does the Library have for borrowing or streaming?
Answered By: Gina Kessler Lee

We have:

More details:

Naxos Music Library is the Library's streaming music platform. It contains over 150,000 albums, primarily classical.

Naxos Music Library categories


Naxos Sheet Music is the Library's sheet music database. It contains over 45,000 sheet music scores.

Screenshot of Countin the Blues sheet music in Naxos Sheet Music


To search for music:

  1. Do an advanced search in Library Search
  2. Select Library Catalog
  3. Type in an artist or album
  4. Under Material Type, select Sound Recordings

Library Search advanced search for billie holiday with library catalog selected and sound recordings selected


To search for musical scores:

  1. Do an advanced search in Library Search
  2. Select Library Catalog
  3. Search by composter and/or title
  4. On the left, the filter category "Source Type" will have an option for Scores if we have any scores matching your search term.
  5. Use the location and call number to find the score on the third floor.

Search for berlioz la damnation de faust with scores filter selected on the left

Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023     Views: 24

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