How do I return library books?
Answered By: Swetta Abeyta

If you live on or near campus: While the Library is open, you can return your library books and other items in the return slots at the Library Service Desk. When the Library is closed, you can return your books to either of our two book return bins: one is located by the Library's front door, and the other is located by the walkway to the parking lot behind the Library. Please return hourly checkouts such as textbooks inside the Library during open hours.

If you live far from campus and prefer to mail your books back: Mail your books to Attn: Access Services, St. Mary's College Library, PMB 4290, 1928 St. Mary's Road, Moraga, CA 94575. Go to a US Post Office and use the US Postal Service's Media Mail for the cheapest rate. 

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Last Updated: Jun 28, 2023     Views: 56

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