How do I choose a database?
Answered By: Gina Kessler Lee

You have three options when trying to choose a database to find sources with:


A) Search many databases at once with the Library Search

One option is to use Library Search, the search box in the middle of the SMC Library website. Library Search searches a variety of databases all at once, so you don't have to pick just one.


Screenshot of library homepage with arrow pointing to Library Search


However, you might want to choose a database that's specific to the subject matter or format you're looking for. In that case, you have two more options:


B) Browse the A-Z List of Databases

You'll see an alphabetical list of all 200+ databases we subscribe to.

Use the dropdown menus to select the subject of your research (for example, anthropology, business, or chemistry), or the type of content you're looking for (for example, newspapers, research encyclopedias, or videos). Or search for a specific database by name (e.g., Morningstar, ProQuest Theses and Dissertations, or PsycInfo).

Screenshot of dropdown menus for A-Z Databases search


C) Check the Research Guides

If you need more context for which database is best for your purpose, see what your subject librarian recommends on the Research Guide for your class (e.g., Anthropology, Business Administration, or Chemistry).

Screenshot of Accounting research guide


Or ask a librarian to help you choose! We're available by chat, text, email, phone, and Zoom.

Last Updated: Jul 06, 2023     Views: 24

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