If I am a distance/online student how do I get library materials?
Answered By: Elise Wong

Library databases

Library databases can be accessed from off-campus via the links on the Library's Research Guides or the A-Z Databases list.


If you need a library book and you cannot come to pick it up: 

The SMC Library can mail you a book from the stacks if you are not able to come to the library. Note: this is not available for textbooks in our textbook collection, which can only be borrowed for 2 hours at a time.

  1. Use the Library Search box on the homepage to search by the title of the book, author, or keywords.
  2. If the status says "Available at SMC Library," click on the title.
  3. Sign in by selecting the "Sign in to get complete results and to request items."
  4. Scroll to the "Get this item" and select "Get it" under the "Get a physical item" box. 
    • In the Note field, let us know that you would like the book shipped and please give us your current address. Click send. 

    • If you live far away or can't come to campus, you can choose the option to have the item mailed to your home.  Important note! Mailed items can take 2-3 weeks to arrive due to USPS shipping times.

  5. You can keep the book until the end of term. 

  6. You can also email the librarian for your program if you'd like to request that the library purchase an e-book version that you can access remotely. This isn't always possible, but we can try!



If you only need a chapter or a few pages of a library book:

The SMC Library can scan and send you an electronic version of a chapter for download if you are not able to come to the library. 

  1. Use the Library Search box on the homepage to search by the title of the book, author, or keywords.
  2. If the status says "Available at SMC Library" click on the title.
  3. Sign in by selecting the "Sign in to get complete results and to request items."
  4. Scroll down to "Get this item" and select "Get it" under the "Get a digital chapter" box. 

If you only need a chapter or a few pages of the book, you can choose the "Get a Digital Chapter" option. Due to copyright restrictions, we can not digitize an entire print book.

Just find the book you need, and fill out the information requested after selecting the "Get a Digital Chapter" option. If we are not able to fulfill the request or have any questions, we'll contact you.

image of getting a chapter of an ebook


The library also has e-books that you can access from anywhere.



Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024     Views: 39

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