I am a faculty member - How do I find my research impact?
Answered By: Elise Wong

SMC provides many tools to help you determine your research impact:

  • Journal Incites: provides a number of journal impact measurements for journals in the sciences and social sciences 
  • Eigenfactor: a type of research impact measurement. A journal's Eigenfactor score is the measure of the journal's total importance to the scientific community
  • Google Scholar Metrics: includes a top 100 list of journals for particular fields ranked using their 5-year h-index
  • Google Scholar Citations: free citation tracking service
  • Cabell’s Publishing Directories: a source for journal info, evaluation metrics, and submission details. Includes information on journals within accounting, economics, business, management, and marketing.

Find more information about Research Impact here. Reach out to your subject librarian for additional assistance.

Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023     Views: 15

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