How do I locate a book or journal article using a reference or citation?
Answered By: David Kriegh

Use the Citation Search feature in Library Search to quickly locate articles, books, and other information sources you find in footnotes, bibliographies, and other references. To make the best use of this feature, it is important to understand the different components of a citation.

Here's an example of how to "dissect" a citation: 

Macan, Therese Hoff; Shahani, Comila; Dipboye, Robert L; Phillips, Amanda Peek.  "College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress." Journal of Educational Psychology 1990 Dec Vol 82(4) 760-768.

Article title: "College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress."

Article authors:  Macan, Therese Hoff; Shahani, Comila; Dipboye, Robert L; Phillips, Amanda Peek. 

Journal title: Journal of Educational Psychology

Journal information: 1990 (year) Dec (month) Vol 82(4) (volume and issue number) 760-768 (page information). 

These parts of a citation correspond to the search fields in Citation Search. Results will have links to the full text in the database when available. If full text is not available, you will have the option to request the resource from another library. The feature works for books as well as articles; just make sure you select "Book" at the top of the form if the citation is for a book. It is not necessary to complete all of the fields; just enter the information you have.

Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023     Views: 135

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