There's a link for course reserves on the library homepage. There is also a Course Reserves Guide here.
Material from the electronic reserves collection is also available on your class's Canvas page.
You can also search for print course reserves (books and DVDs) in the Library Search. Search for course reserves by either title or course number (Example: A book for Writing 101 may be searched using the course number: WRIT-101).
Electronic reserves are available online 24/7 and are password protected. Your professor or the Library Service Desk will have the password needed to access the material for your class. Material in this collection may include: Articles, book chapters, e-books, and other items that may be scanned or linked for electronic access.
Print course reserves are available at the library service desk. You may check them out for a short term loan. Your professor sets the loan period.
Please contact or 925-631-4229 if you have questions.
Last Updated: Jul 09, 2024 Views: 78