Do you have magazines and newspapers for browsing?
Answered By: David Kriegh

Yes! Our "newsstand" is behind and to the right of the reference desk on the first floor. We have over one hundred current magazines, journals, and newspapers for browsing in print on the 1st floor of the library. Magazines include popular titles such as Consumer Reports, The Economist, National Geographic, and The New Yorker. We also offer daily subscriptions to the New York Times and East Bay Times. Back issues are kept on the third floor in bound volumes. You are welcome to enjoy the print magazines, journals, and newspapers throughout the library building. If you find an article you'd like to read later, please use the photocopier machines on the first floor to scan or print a copy for personal use, or check with a librarian to see if the article is online in one of our databases.

To look up a title, use the Journal Finder tool in Library Search. Our catalog includes records for all titles on display in our print collection.

Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023     Views: 71

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