Do not pay for article!
The Library often has access to articles through our different databases. Use the Library Search box on the Library's homepage to look up the title of the item you're looking for. If we have access to the article through our subscriptions, you'll see links to download the full-text.
If what you are looking for doesn't come up in the results, see the top of the results page for a note "Didn't find what you were looking for? Click here to expand your results." This will expand the results to include things that are available to borrow from other libraries.
NOTE: You may need to be signed in to see that prompt. Your login is just your SMC username and password.
When you find the item you want, click "Get it for me from other libraries" and follow the onscreen prompts.
Most requested articles or book chapters are received in 24 hours.
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2023 Views: 116