What are the recommended settings for my computer to optimize database performance?
Answered By: David Kriegh

Review the following setting to improve your experience when using the Library's databases:

1. Bookmark the Libraryhttp://www.stmarys-ca.edu/library

2. Browser settings:

  • Allow pop-ups – under Tools/Options, Internet Options, or Preferences 
  • Clear browser history, cache, and/or cookies – look under Tools/Options , Internet Options, or Preferences
  • Allow cookies for the database's domain  – under Tools/Options, Internet Options (Security Settings) or Preferences
  • Set PDF’s to open with Adobe Reader; not “Preview” or within your browser. 
  • Enable JavaScript – look under Tools/Options - Content, Internet Options, or Preferences. 
  • If using a Java as an extension to your browser, make sure the Java add-on is set to "always enabled"
  • Ensure you have the latest version of Java by testing it here, and downloading it here.
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2023     Views: 12

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