As faculty, how do I put material on course reserve for my class?
Answered By: Daisy Goiburn

The Library encourages faculty to submit a Course Reserve Request for electronic and physical reserves.

Physical reserves may include books or media. These will be made available for your students at the Library Service Desk.

Electronic reserves are available for articles and portions of books. If you wish for your students to access an entire book electronically, please contact your subject librarian to ask if we can license it as an e-book.

All reserves will be displayed and linked on your Canvas course page. 

For further information regarding course reserves, refer to our Course Reserves and Textbooks page. Any questions may be directed to the Reserves Supervisor, Daisy Goiburn. Email her at or call 925-631-4181. 

Last Updated: Jul 09, 2023     Views: 36

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