How long can I check an item out for?Answered By: Leah Puchalski
Students (undergraduate and graduate)
- May borrow up to 100 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- The loan period for audio/visual materials is 7 days.
- Technology may be borrowed for a short-term loan.
- There are 3 renewals for most items. Items will automatically renew.
- Remote access to electronic resources.
- Fees and fines are paid at the campus Business Office.
Faculty (includes adjunct) / Christian Brothers
- May borrow up to 100 items.
- The loan period for most books is 1 semester.
- The loan period for audio/visual materials is 7 days.
- Technology may be borrowed for a short-term loan.
- There are 3 renewals for most items. Items will automatically renew.
- Remote access to electronic resources.
- Fees and fines are paid at the library with cash or check only.
- May borrow up to 100 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- The loan period for audio/visual materials is 7 days.
- Technology may be borrowed for a short-term loan.
- There are 3 renewals for most items. Items will automatically renew.
- Remote access to electronic resources.
- Fees and fines are paid at the library with cash or check only.
- Alumni may purchase a library card for a $10 annual fee.
- May borrow up to 10 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- The loan period for audio/visual materials is 7 days with no renewal.
- There is 1 renewal for most items.
- Alumni have access upon request to the following databases: Annual Reviews, Browzine, MathSciNet, Mergent, Morningstar Investing Center, Passport (Euromontior), Project MUSE, and Sage Premier Journals. All other electronic resources are available on-site. Electronic resources available through the Saint Mary's College Library are licensed by the college for non-commercial use by SMC faculty, staff, students, and on-site users, for educational or research purposes only.
- Fees and fines are paid at the library with cash or check only.
Community Borrowers
- Community borrowers may purchase a library card for a $75 annual fee.
- Residents of Contra Costa, Solano, and Alameda counties may apply for a library card.
- May borrow up to 10 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- The loan period for audio/visual material is 7 days with no renewal.
- There is 1 renewal for most items.
- Electronic resources are accessible on-campus.
- Fees and fines are paid at the library with cash or check only.
Families of College Employees
- Spouses, partners, and children (ages 16 and up) of current Saint Mary's employees may register to receive a library card.
- May borrow up to 100 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- There are 2 renewals for most items.
- Electronic resources are accessible on-campus.
Emeritus/Emerita Faculty
Upon approval from their department and the Library:
- May borrow up to 100 items.
- The loan period for most books is 1 semester.
- The loan period for audio/visual materials is 7 days with no renewal.
- There are 3 renewals for most items. Items will automatically renew.
- Remote access to electronic resources.
- Fees and fines are paid at the Library with cash or check only.
Non-Matriculated Students (students enrolled in a course without seeking a degree)
- May borrow up to 10 items.
- The loan period for most books is 28 days.
- The loan period for audio/visual material is 7 days with no renewal.
- There is 1 renewal for most items.
- Electronic resources are accessible on-campus.
Affiliated Scholar
- Borrowing privileges through resource sharing.
- Electronic resources are accessible on-campus.
- A research consultation is available by drop-in or appointment.
Last Updated: Dec 04, 2024 Views: 259